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About Flying Turtle

What We Think
Where We're Going
Who We Are

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Come Exploring with Us
Thinking, Creativity, and Fun
Welcome to the Flying Turtle Web Site.
This web site is completely the work, vision, and responsibility of the The Flying Turtle Company.
Here we explore the beauty and wonder of the universe, the world, life, and...well...everything. We are focussed on learning and growth. We strive to think logically and creatively.
We unabashedly emphasize fun, indulge ourselves in silliness, and use the word unabashed. And we are unabashadly (we love that word) dedicated to celebrating and encouraging the beauty and strength of the human spirit.
(Also we emphasize *niceness.    You wanna make something of it?)

     In these early days our main themes will be science, technology, and the environment. Our method will be to present a growing book on the flows and changes of matter, energy, and "all things" in nature and in the machines and systems of humans.
This is our humble beginning. But the grandiose and not-so-humble Where We Are Going section below this section.

     The articles in the Flying Turtle site use humor and unusual perspectives to create interest in science and technology, and to encourage a love of learning. While the emphasis is on clear thinking and logical thought, we unabashedly (I know it's getting old) present ideas and concepts from unique and unorthodox perspectives to encourage creative thinking and, of course, to make it fun and interesting.

     We try to avoid jargon, at least until the concepts have been made clearer. This adds to the sense of "unorthodoxy" (is there such a word?) of our site, but enhances understanding and the sense of wonder that is often confused and lost by hifalutin words and the sameness of repetitive jargon. Many of the words that people use and hear over and over are actually pretty meaningless to, or poorly understood by, most lay persons; even though the words are painfully common. Hearing them over and over sort of makes the brain go somewhere else.

     Being accurate and correct is very important to us. If we fail in this please let us know (nicely). We'll fix it. We will be embarrassed, but still mostly grateful.

     Do you have a comment, or a *nice constructive suggestion. E-mail us. We will give it a lot of thought. If the comments aren't nice, we'll still read them, but then we'll get all upset and probably send them to the trash bin, because we are very sensitive. If the comments are nice, but we don't agree with them, we'll probably get all defensive and tell ourselves that you don't understand what we're trying to do. Or perhaps console ourselves that we were too subtle for you. But whether we like it or not, we'll probably learn something from those. So go ahead and send them in.

Or visit the fascinating site of Dr. Galapagos and e-mail him a question at Sometimes he has an answer.

There is also the amazing wisdom of Turtle Boy. He's sensible! Both he and Dr. Galapagos (and our web site) are almost famous.

*As the great and famous secret agent of Control, Maxwell Smart, once said, "If only he had used his genius for niceness instead of evil."

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Where We're Going
    Talk is cheap so we can afford to do a lot of it. But if you want to skip all the long winded bragging below, here is the summary — A really interesting positive growing site and you can buy stuff (educational and entertaining) too.

    Our plans are big and grandiose. Our budget is small and meek (for now).
    We envision a site, or network of sites, with a variety of themes and presentations. It will always be growing and changing - sort of like a book that is better everytime you open it. There must always be the common measure that whatever we present or sell will be a positive reflection of the human spirit. Which doesn't mean everything has to be serious and educational. Many of our products and presentations will be simply fun and entertaining, but never negative, mean spirited, or cynical. We hate cynicism.

    To start with we're emphasizing science and technology. But eventually we will be exploring many other areas — including history, health, art, and literature (even poetry). We want to encourage the study of excellence. Sites and products that offer ideas and products for group and family activities are also in the plans.

    We're experimenting with ways to support this site. Obviously our growth will depend on success in that area.
    Keep checking on our progress.
In the meantime visit the Unabashed Business page for more information.

    In addition to this web site we like to visit schools and other learning groups with our educational and entertaining programs. Presently we are developing programs in air pollution, manufacturing (the Super Cool Down Hill Only Flying Turtle Rocket Car) and engineering. If you are interested in learning more contact us at The Flying Turtle.
These programs are just what you need if you are a company looking for a way to contribute to your community. Sponsoring a School/Industry program with our creative presentations is the answer.

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Who We Are The Flying Turtle is primarily due to the efforts of David Watson, the founder, president, and "Top Turtle" of The Flying Turtle Company. Alot of the drawings on this site (especially the good ones) are the work of his son, Tom "no-clip-art-here" Watson. Many other (well okay, some) people have helped and inspired, but for some reason they have begged to remain nameless. Too bad for them.

Tom Watson's Bio (Tom is the main artist)
Tom is going to be a Freshman at Boston University for the 2000/2001 year. He graduated in May of 2000 from Capital High School in Boise, Idaho. In addition to being a clever and talented drawer of pictures he is a clever and talented kid interested in a variety of fields from theater and film to physics and politics.
Tom is really cool. He did the good art work. The rest was done by David Watson (see below - if you can stand it). Lots of colleges wanted Tom. Unfortunately, he will be too faraway and too busy to help with the art for awhile.

David Watson's Bio
Since David is so humble, he has asked me, Dr. Galapagos, to write his little resume biography self-promotion thing (sigh). Of course, he wasn't too humble to give me 23 pages of notes about himself (including nauseating anecdotes from his childhood). Somehow I found the strength to leave most of it out. So here goes, with quite a bit of exaggeration (but less than he wanted):

Mr. Watson is a student of science, literature, education, and technology (being a student is not the same as knowing a lot). Hence the Flying Turtle Company. As a child he was fascinated with all fields of science especially life sciences. His mother still says (at least once a month) that she can't believe he didn't become a zoologist. As a cute and charming child (gag), he had a lot of pets - box turtles, desert tortoises, snakes, lizards, rats, mice, hamsters, tarantulas, scorpions, guinea pigs, flying squirrels, ants, horned toads (which are a type of lizard), water turtles, crawdads, tadpoles, toads, praying mantises, etc., etc.

Before founding The Flying Turtle Company Mr. Watson made his living as an engineer and engineering manager. During the last 17 years he has worked for 3 different corporations. In addition to The Flying Turtle Company, he also recently founded a consulting engineering firm called Keltec Corporation. Through Keltec he sometimes does normal boring engineering consulting - usually concerning big locomotive-size diesel engines (performance and emissions reduction) or New Product Development. But the almost famous Keltec also specializes in corporate sponsored school/industry programs. (If you ask me, they had to have this less fun name because some corporate humans are made a little uneasy by "uncorporate" sounding names like The Flying Turtle Company and are intimidated by Galapagos tortoises that know everything.) Only rational professional human beings are involved with Keltec. Unfortunately, there are no Galapagos tortoises and Mr. Watson usually pretends to have never heard of The Flying Turtle Company when he's around other corporate people.

One of the corporations Mr. Watson worked for was GE. While there, he was in charge of GE's participation in the local School/Industry Partnership. The program he developed was a great success (according to him) and he is developing a much improved version of that program. If you are interested in a school/industry partnership in your area or just a good way to introduce some very important engineering and science concepts to students you should find out more about this program.
E-mail him at The Flying Turtle for more information.

Ta da! The end. I can't believe you read it all.

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